Apigee-X with Cloud Armor: Empowering Robust API Security and Performance

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Apigee-x Integration with Cloud Armor In the digital age, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have become the lifeline of modern businesses, facilitating seamless data exchange and enabling innovation across various applications and services. However, as APIs play a critical role in today’s interconnected ecosystem, they also become prime targets for cyber threats and attacks. To safeguard […]

Apigee Hybrid: Unifying API Management for Seamless Integration and Enhanced Control

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Apigee Hybrid Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of digital business, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have become the foundation of modern software development. APIs enable seamless data exchange between applications and services, driving innovation, and facilitating business growth. As the demand for APIs continues to rise, organizations face the challenge of managing complex API ecosystems while […]

Safeguarding Your Digital Fortress: The Importance of Multi-Layered API Security

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Introduction In today’s interconnected world, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) serve as the backbone of digital communication, enabling seamless data exchange between various applications and services. While APIs revolutionize how businesses interact and innovate, they also introduce new security challenges. As gateways to critical data and functionalities, APIs become attractive targets for cyber threats. Implementing robust […]

API Acceleration: Fast Productization of APIs for Enhanced Business Insights

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API Acceleration Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) play a crucial role in facilitating seamless data exchange between different applications and systems. As businesses increasingly recognize the value of data-driven decision-making, the need for efficient, agile, and well-defined APIs has grown exponentially. API Acceleration emerges as a vital strategy for […]

Apigee DevOps Automation: Streamlining API Development, Deployment, and Testing for Optimal Efficiency

API Developer

Introduction to Apigee DevOps Automation In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have become the backbone of modern software development. APIs enable seamless integration between different systems, services, and applications, facilitating data exchange and enabling businesses to thrive in the era of interconnectedness. As the demand for APIs grows, so does the […]

Cloud Transformation: Consuming IT than Building IT

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Cloud Transformation Introduction Shift to the cloud is accelerating and its clearly visible by: more than 50% revenue growth of Amazon AWS over last few years, SAP raising its revenue forecast for next few years as its cloud growth quickens, cloud is becoming a boardroom agenda with commitment from IT to move more & more […]

Is EDI still relevant in the era of the API ecosystem?

Electronic Data Interchange

Introduction As Darwin’s theory states, “those individual organisms, who happen to be best suited to an environment survive and reproduce most successfully, producing well-adapted descendants. Nature filters out poorly suited individuals.” The same is true for the technology world, where technologies go through cycles of natural selection in different business environments. And those technologies that […]

Electronic Data Interchange 101

electronic data interchange edi

Before we dwell on understanding the basics of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), it is essential to know how supply chain management works without EDI. By definition, supply chain management (SCM) is the management of the flow of goods and services between businesses and locations. It includes the movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, […]

Key Benefits of EDI in The Transformation of B2B Transactions

B2B Transactions

Benefits of EDI in B2B Transactions Have you ever wondered how most Fortune 500 enterprises are typically so good at communicating and conveying data with their trading partners? Well, the secret formula has now been unveiled and as it turns out, it’s the fact that these organizations were proactive in integrating EDI into their ERPs […]