Boomi Managed Services and Support - NeosAlpha

Boomi Managed Services and Support

Our Client is a renowned SaaS platform provider, the services of which are availed by their customers from all across the world in locations such as the United Kingdom, the rest of Europe, the United States and Australia.

Business Goals

Our Client is a renowned SaaS platform provider, the services of which are availed by their customers from all across the world in locations such as the United Kingdom, the rest of Europe, the United States and Australia.

The SaaS platform provider offers Integration-Application-as-a-Service, ensuring template-based integrations are implemented at their end client’s systems to fulfil the specific business needs.


As a Software-as-a-Service provider, High Availability (HA) is one of the Key SLAs to be met. A penalty can be levied upon them in case of service-level agreement breaches involving critical business functions of their customers.

The stability of their integration platform and associated infrastructure is vital. Therefore, the platform should be monitored closely (24/7) in an automated way, and alerts should be raised proactively before any issue leads to service unavailability.

How NeosAlpha Helped

NeosAlpha employed its proven, tested support framework, which has 4 phases.
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The client managed Boomi Atoms and Molecule on their private cloud. We provided monitoring and support covering the following areas


  • OS and Network Level Monitoring
  • CPU usages, memory usages, disk/inode utilisation, network latency, and connectivity

Runtime (Atom/Molecule):

  • Atom status
  • JVM heap usages
  • Listener status

Boomi integration processes:

For any typical integration, it’s common to get an error during process execution due to various reasons including connection issues, data issues, etc. Following are some of the key aspects covered under our Boomi Process monitoring.

  • Technical Monitoring
  • Monitoring process error
  • Debugging using a timestamp, unique identifier, etc.
  • Re-processing/Re-running
  • Business Activity Monitoring
  • Data level issues
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Our remote support team became a trustworthy partner for the client to deliver assured integration services at a manageable cost by leveraging our support scope which included the infrastructure, runtime Boomi Atom, and process monitoring.




<p><a href="">Boomi Integrations</a></p>


US East Coast Office 1400 Liberty Ridge Drive ChesterbrookPA19087

Key Integrations

Case Study

Case Studies

Explore our collection of client stories to see how we enable our customers to envision disruptive strategies & competitive business models by using Boomi platform, a leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise iPaaS for the eighth year
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