Logistics - NeosAlpha

industry: Logistics

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Logistics | Boomi
NeosAlpha helped TBA Group to engineer Port and Container Terminal Automation for a leading Israeli port who leveraged the benefits of maritime systems integrations…
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Boomi Integrations, API, Atom Queues

Logistics | Boomi
NeosAlpha’s integration interfaces and Boomi Atom Q eliminates data loss and successfully delivers on the complex sequential data flow requirements….
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Logistics | Kong
Our client is a leading cross-border payment company, authorized and regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)….
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Logistics | Kong
NeosAlpha played a critical role with API Gateway architecture review & consulting for Coadjute. NeosAlpha team was responsible to provide blueprints for API Gateway CI/CD automation scripts, OAuth2.0 Implementation framework and security best…